.. _genetic_structure: Genetic structure ====================================== The genetic structure is described by a polygenic multi-allelic model with finite numbers of loci and alleles for both the functional and neutral parts of the genome. The value of trait :math:`Z` thus results from the expression of :math:`l_Z` functional loci, each of which has a pool of :math:`n_{Z, l}` (with :math:`l \in [1, 2, ..., l_Z]`) possible alleles in the initial population characterized by their allelic value :math:`A_{Z, l, k}` (with :math:`k \in [1, 2, ... n_{Z, l}]`). Following classical quantitative genetics :cite:`lynch1998genetics`, we assume that the genotypic values :math:`G_Z(i)` of trait :math:`Z` in the population follow initially a normal distribution: .. math:: N(\overline{G_Z}(0), \sigma^2_{A, Z}(0)) with :math:`\overline{G_Z}(0)` the initial genotypic mean and :math:`\sigma^2_{A, Z}(0)` the initial additive genetic variance. It follows (see justification in the next section) that the allelic values :math:`A_{Z, l, k}` of the :math:`n_{Z, l}` alleles of locus :math:`l` initially present in the population are randomly drawn from a normal distribution :math:`N\left(0, \dfrac{\sigma^2_{A, Z}(0)}{2 l_Z}\right)` :cite:`soularue2012assortative`. This allelic model defines allelic values as deviations around the initial genotypvic mean :math:`\overline{G_Z}(0)` of the population and allows for heterogeneous allelic values across loci coding for the same trait, many of them with minor effects and a few ones with major effects. Similarly, the neutral part of the genome is described by :math:`l_b` neutral loci, each of which has a pool of :math:`n_{b, l}` (with :math:`l \in [1, 2, ..., l_b]`) possible alleles in the initial population characterized by their allelic identity :math:`b_{l,k}` (with :math:`k \in [1, 2, ... n_{b, l}]`) with no effect of evolving trait values. The allelic identities :math:`b_{l,k}` of the alleles of locus :math:`l` initially present in the population are randomly drawn from a discrete uniform distribution with probability mass function :math:`\dfrac{1}{n_{b,l}}`.