Reading Osmose parameters +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The loading of Osmose parameters is achieved by using the :samp:`read_osmose` function with an :samp:`input` argument providing the path of the main configuration file. .. literalinclude:: _static/param_loading.R :language: R :lines: 2-29 .. program-output:: Rscript rosmose/_static/param_loading.R Furthermore, some parameters can be plotted for a given species. This is done as follows: .. literalinclude:: _static/param_loading.R :language: R :lines: 30- .. ipython:: python :suppress: import os import subprocess cwd = os.getcwd() fpath = "rosmose/_static/param_loading.R"["Rscript", fpath], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) .. figure:: _static/species.png :align: center Growth parameters for species 0 .. figure:: _static/reproduction.png :align: center Reproduction seasonality for species 1 .. figure:: _static/predation.png :align: center Predation size range for species 2