Plotting outputs ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plotting Osmose outputs is achieved by calling the generic plot function on the :samp:`osmose` object, output by the :samp:`read_osmose` function. The function takes as argument the variable to be displayed (:samp:`what` argument). The :samp:`species` argument allows to specify the indexes of the species to display (cf. the :samp:`X` in the :samp:`` parameters). .. literalinclude:: _static/plot_osmose_outputs.R :language: R .. hint:: When several replicates are run, the uncertainty due to the stochastic mortality is displayed as a grey shading. .. warning:: At this time, only these four variables can be plotted. However, more plot functions (diet matrix, mortality, etc.) will be released soon. .. ipython:: python :suppress: import os import subprocess cwd = os.getcwd() fpath = "rosmose/_static/plot_osmose_outputs.R"["Rscript", fpath], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) .. figure:: _static/biomass.png :align: center Biomass plot .. figure:: _static/abundance.png :align: center Abundance plot .. figure:: _static/yield.png :align: center Yield biomass plot .. figure:: _static/yieldN.png :align: center Yield abundance plot