2.2. Entities, state variables, and scales
2.2.1. Entities
The EnergyBudget entity describes the parameters and the bioenergetic processes of BIOEN-OSMOSE.
The TempFunction entity describes the parameters and the temperature-related processes of BIOEN-OSMOSE.
The OxygenFunction entity describes the parameters and the oxygen-related processes of BIOEN-OSMOSE.
2.2.2. State variables EnergyBudget
The EnergyBudget
entity contains the following state variables:
Variable |
Description |
Type |
Units |
c_m |
Array of mass-specific maintenance rate (one for each species) |
float[] |
\(g.year^{-1}\) |
m0 |
Array of intercept of a deterministic linear maturation reaction norm (one for each species) |
float[] |
\(cm\) |
m1 |
Array of slope of a deterministic linear maturation reaction norm (one for each species) |
float[] |
\(cm.year^{-1}\) |
eta |
Array of energy density ratio between somatic and gonadic tissue |
float[] |
temp_function |
Temperature function entity |
oxygen_function |
Oxygen function entity |
r |
Array of gonado-somatic index of school |
larvaePredationRateBioen |
Array of multiplication factor for ingestion of larva individuals |
float[] |
assimilation |
Array of assimilation efficiency |
float[] | TempFunction
The TempFunction
entity contains the following state variables:
Variable |
Description |
Type |
Units |
e_M |
Array of increasing activation energy of the energy mobilization temperature function |
float[] |
J |
e_D |
Array of declining activation energy of the energy mobilization temperature function |
float[] |
J |
Tp |
Array of temperature of peak value in energy mobilization |
float[] |
C |
e_m |
Activation energy of the maintenance temperature function |
float[] |
J |
temperature_input |
Temperature input dataset |
isPhiTActivated |
True if the mobilized energy should depend on temperature |
bool, default is true | OxygenFunction
The OxygenFunction
entity contains the following state variables:
Variable |
Description |
Type |
Units |
c1 |
Array of asymptote of energy mobilization dose-response function to dissolved oxygen saturation |
float[] |
c2 |
Array of slope of energy mobilization dose-response function to dissolved oxygen saturation |
float[] |
o2_input |
Oxygen dataset |
isFO2Activated |
True if the oxygen function should be used in the ingestion formula |
bool, default is true | School
The Species
entity contains the following state variables:
Variable |
Description |
Type |
Units |
zlayer |
Index of the temperature/oxygen layer to read |
int |
sizeMaturity |
Size at maturity |
float, set to \(\infty\) |
cm |
ageMaturity |
Age at maturity |
float, set to \(\infty\) |
year |
eggSize |
Size of eggs |
float, set to \(\infty\) |
cm |
beta_bioen |
Scaling exponent of maximum ingestion rate and maintenance rate with body mass |
float | School
The School
entity contains the following state variables:
Variable |
Description |
Type |
Units |
e_gross |
Mobilized energy rate of individuals of school at time step |
float |
g / timestep |
e_maint |
Maintenance cost rate of individuals of school at time step |
float |
g / timestep |
e_net |
Net energy available for new tissue production |
float |
g / timestep |
ingestion |
Ingestion rate of individuals in school at time step |
float |
g / timestep |
ingestionTot |
Sum of all the food ingested during life of the school |
float |
g |
kappa |
Proportion of new tissues allocated to the gonadic compartment |
float |
e_net_faced |
Mean net energy faced during lifespan of the school |
float |
g |
mort_starv_rate |
mort_oxy_rate |