7.3. Running the model
OSMOSE Java can be run from R by using the run_osmose
# recover the reference configuration file
filename = system.file(package="osmose", "extdata", "master", "osm_all-parameters.csv")
# setting output directory
outdir = 'output'
# default run mode (java file in inst/java/)
run_osmose(input=fileName, output=outdir)
By default, the OSMOSE Java included in the package is used. However, the user is free to use another build of the OSMOSE Java program as follows:
# Running Osmose by using another version of the .jar file.
jarfile = "/home/nbarrier/Modeles/osmose/svn-osmose/trunk/dist/osmose-trunk.jar"
run_osmose(osmose=jarfile, input=fileName,
output=outdir, version="4")
The way the OSMOSE Java core is called has changed between versions 3 and 4. As a consequence,
the user must be sure to properly set the version